Uneven Growth, Tactical Urbanism
Hong Kong. MAP Office. The Network Architecture Lab
Istanbul. Atelier d’Architecture Autogérée / Superpool
Lagos. NLÉ + Zoohaus / Inteligencias Colectivas
Mumbai. URBZ. Ensamble Studio / MIT- POPlab
New York. Situ Studio. Cohabitation Strategies (CohStra)
Rio de Janeiro. Rua Arquitetos / MAS Urban Design, ETH Zürich
NAMOC, National Art Museum of China. Jean Nouvel
To Take Away, Pop-Up Houses
Ábaton. ÁPH 80 Portable Home, Madrid (Spain)
MAPA (MAAM + Studio Paralelo). Minimod House in Maquiné, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)
Studio Arte. Nomad Living in Silves, Algarve (Portugal)
White Arkitekter. Chameleon Cabin, Gothenburg (Sweden)
Lugo Concert Hall, in Detail. Paredes Pedrosa. Lugo (Spain)
Big Bang Data, in Barcelona and Madrid. CCCB, Barcelona and Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Madrid (Spain)
Stephen Shore, Snapshotness. ‘Uncommon Places’