La revista Nuestra Bandera es el órgano de debate teórico del Partido Comunista de España. Surge en julio de 1937 como consecuencia de la necesidad de contrastar y clarificar la aportación del conjunto del partido en momentos difíciles y tensos como los que acontecieron tras el golpe de Estado fascista del 18 de julio de 1936. Es una revista en la que se enfocan los diferentes aspectos a analizar, sociales, culturales y políticos, desde la perspectiva marxista, en un sentido amplio, no excluyente ni dogmático. Combina la presentación de números dedicados a temas concretos en la forma de números monográficos con la forma habitual de revista cultural que expone diversidad de cuestiones de la actualidad nacional e internacional, con la inclusión de apartados regulares como Clásicos del Marxismo, Profesorado invitado, Crítica de libros, etc. Su periodicidad es trimestral y está abierta a todo tipo de colaboración procedente del pensamiento crítico.
Nuestra Bandera magazine is the theoretical debate body of the Spanish Communist Party. It first appeared in July 1937 as a consequence of the need to contrast and clarify the contribution of the party as a whole during difficult and tense times, such as those that followed the fascist coup d'etat of 18 July 1936. It is a magazine that focuses on the different social, cultural and political aspects to be analysed, from the Marxist perspective, in a broad, not exclusive and not dogmatic sense. The first issue was published in Valencia, as a result of the relocation of the government of the Spanish Second Republic in that city, and then the magazine suffered the vicissitudes of the end of the war and the long clandestine period (Mexico, Toulouse, Paris, etc.), finally returning to Madrid with democracy. From 1993 to 2010, its masterhead included the expression “Utopías”. It combines issues dedicated to specific subjects as monographs in the usual form of a cultural magazine, addressing the diversity of topical national and international issues, with the inclusion of regular sections such as Classics of Marxism, Invited Academics, Book Reviews, etc. It is published on a quarterly basis and is open to all kinds of critical thinking collaborations.